Searching For A Best Chrismast Tree by Bjarni Cool (walktrought)


First of all take with a toob and armor and kill both toob gruntz. Take with a hide coin and them go to snow house in next area.


Build a brickz with all rolling ballz. If you are finnsh take with a timebombz and disctusy gold brickz. Now hit same gold brickz in 3 timez and them select timebombz on enemy brick gruntz. Do same with another 3 brick gruntz. Now enter secret teleporter trigger. Now destury brown brickz and go in the house with lot of jump ropez. Next give one and one enemy grunt and select timebombz on them same time as you give them jump ropez. Next take with a invisinble powerup go in the snowhouse  and go to the next area.


Next take with all coinz. I donīt want to tell you how, I know you not mind J. Also if you have got all coins take with a gautless and break red brick. Now give a give enemy club gruntz 4 go-kartz as you found in snow-house. One for per club grunt. Now take with springz, jump to next route, take with shield and kill 4 enemy gruntz. Next press on secret ? switch. Now enter rock maze and give warpstone yet to king.




To Snower, Mikker, Gamer and more authorz:

Create a walkrtoughtz of your levelz. That is better. Ok? Create it!

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